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About Liberty - Profile & Quick Facts

Our Mission

"Liberty School District will provide a safe, nurturing, and rigorous learning environment
maximizing each students potential today, with tomorrow in mind."

A School for All Children

We believe:

  • Teachers, parents, and community share the responsibility for the support of the schools mission and are accountable for student learning.
  • Each student is a valued and respected individual with unique physical, social, emotional, and intellectual needs.
  • All students can learn, achieve, and succeed.
  • Students learn best when they are actively engaged in the learning process.
  • Schools should be safe, caring places for students and staff.
  • It is vital to stay current with the skills our students will need to be successful beyond high school.
  • All students deserve our highest expectations.

About Liberty

The Liberty School District is located in south Spokane County in Eastern Washington State. It encompasses approximately 300 square miles. The district was formed in 1960 through the consolidation of the Fairfield and Spangle School Districts, each of which had previously consolidated several small school districts. The district includes six separate communities: Fairfield, Latah, Plaza, Spangle, Mt. Hope, and Waverly. The original Liberty School District was built at the time when the Palouse Region was first being settled. In order to preserve a bit of history, the new Liberty district assumed not only the old name, but also the original site of the old school. This location also places the present school campus near the geographic center of the district.

The district borders Spokane School District to the north, Cheney to the west, Tekoa and Rosalia to the south, and Freeman and the state of Idaho to the east. The southern portion of the district is largely prime agricultural land, with some scab land and pine forests. The District's economy is largely dependent on agriculture, food processing, a gas pipeline, a cedar finish mill, and some retail business. Major crops include wheat, barley, peas, lentils, and bluegrass. New housing developments are occurring along the northern portion of the district near the City of Spokane. It is anticipated that an accompanying population growth will occur in the future throughout this area. 

The Liberty community is very supportive of its schools including maintenance & operation levies, attendance at sporting and arts events, and support for technology and repair bonds.

Our Schools

The Liberty School District serves approximately 430 students with about 280 students enrolled in the Liberty Elementary and Junior High School and 150 enrolled at Liberty High School. The schools are noted for small class sizes with highly qualified teachers and a tremendous support staff. Liberty School District stresses a solid education in the basics, but also offers a special focus on such subjects as Spanish, math and science (including honors and AP courses), physical education, reading/language arts, music, art, vocational studies, robotics, and technology. Liberty Schools are proud of the academic efforts and high personal accomplishments achieved by our students.
The district owns and maintains a large fleet of buses for safe transportation of students to and from school and extracurricular activities. The district offers a food service program which serves breakfast and hot lunches in both school buildings throughout the school year.