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Snack Guidelines

No nuts, please!
Snack Guidelines for Elementary Classrooms:
All elementary classrooms are ALLERGEN AWARE and NUT FREE.
  • No homemade snacks - all food must be commercially prepared and in its original packaging.
  • Fresh fruit and vegetables are always good - but they must be commercially prepared or cut at school using our utensils rather than in your own kitchen. Our kitchen is designated allergen aware and nut-free.
  • All food packages must have the original ingredient label attached.
  • No food items may contain nuts or have been batched, made on, or processed with equipment that has been used with nuts or nut products.
  • All food items (including those attached to prizes or cards) must be presented to the teacher or office for prior approval before being sent to the classroom.  Remember to bring the food item in its original packaging prior to attaching it to individual cards or placing it in party bags. The original packaging must be included with the treats so that the teacher and nurse will know that it has already been cleared.