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K-8 Jr. Boosters

K-8 Jr. Boosters
Liberty Junior Booster Club

The Liberty Junior Booster Club exists to raise funds to support the "extras" at Liberty Elementary and Junior High and operates under Liberty School District Booster Club.  Many parents have, over the years, coordinated fundraising events such as the annual Sally Foster Gift Wrap sale as well as selling spirit wear and Entertainment books.  Currently, we raise money through one major fundraiser--a spin on the old-fashioned "Jog-A-Thon" called a "Sports-A-Thon".  We have been successful at raising funds through this one major fundraiser to be able to support the extras at our schools!

The Junior Boosters sponsor various activities, such as the spring Fun Run/Muddy Obstacle Course, Math is Cool t-shirts, Liberty Spiritwear and other activities throughout the year.  In addition, Junior Boosters coordinates teacher/staff/bus driver appreciation breakfasts/lunches a couple of times each year.

Junior Boosters has been able to provide for such things as classroom supplies, winter workshop supplies, computers, guest speakers, playground equipment, a covered outdoor play area, assemblies and workshops including in addition to bringing in the Missoula Children's Theatre, and much, much more.

Junior Boosters meet approximately every other month held with the Liberty School District Booster Club meeting. All Liberty parents and guardians are invited and encouraged to participate!  There are many ways to get involved... if you have an hour or two to spare or even a day or two; there are many ways to help.

Questions about Junior Boosters can be directed to Principal Alex Sawyers, or Junior Boosters Chair, Kammi Smith at

Kammi Smith - Chairperson
Samantha Degenhart- Treasurer

We’re looking forward to a great year! If you have questions, please call or write.
Rachel Tiegs, LSDBC President
Danica Foland, LSDBC Vice President