Holiday Greeting
Holiday Greeting |
Click HERE for the Liberty Booster Club Christmas Greeting order form.
It is time again to extend Christmas Greetings. Take advantage of this opportunity to send a Season’s Greeting to your friends and neighbors. Put your name up for all to see on the Christmas board for a donation of $20.00 for a personal or business listing. You will have your name on the board in Fairfield and Spangle. Please click the link above for your Liberty School District Booster Club Christmas Greeting order form. Then print and return the bottom portion, with your donation, to LSDBC, Inc., P.O. Box 1, Spangle WA 99031so your name can be printed for the greeting board. The Liberty School District Booster Club is dedicated to supporting all students at Liberty Schools. Please join us in supporting the youth of our community. Thank you and Happy Holidays! Liberty School District Boosters |
Rachel Tiegs, President
Danica Foland, Vice President