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Foundation Information

Above: 2023 Dinner Auction

Liberty Community Education Foundation

About the Foundation

The Liberty Community Education Foundation (LCEF) was established in 2007 to provide for the ongoing academic, extracurricular, and scholarship needs of Liberty Schools, students, teachers, staff and alumni.  The foundation was created to enhance the Liberty School District and the communities in which it serves.  LCEF seeks to bridge the gap between what state and local funds provide and what the systems need to provide our students with the best possible educational experiences, benefiting them now and in the future.


The Liberty Community Education Foundation develops private resources to enrich education for the lifelong learning experiences of our students and community.  Our objectives include enhancing education opportunities for students and alumni; enriching academic experiences by supporting extracurricular activities; encouraging teachers by supporting new and creative ideas for delivering education; and, promoting school and community partnerships to share financial and human resources.

Our Programs

The Foundation has created programs which will provide for the ongoing academic, extracurricular and scholarship needs of Liberty Schools, students, teachers, staff and alumni.  Students and alumni are eligible to apply for post-secondary scholarships through the scholarship program.  Teachers, administrators and staff are invited to apply for project funding through the mini-grant program.
How can I support the Foundation?

There are a number of ways to provide support for the Foundation's endowment fund while gaining potential tax benefits.  An outright gift or bequest is a typical means of contributing to the endowment.  Contributions may be in the form of cash, real estate, appreciated securities or a life insurance policy.  Generally, such gifts afford significant tax benefits for the donor. Please consult your financial adviser for more information.
Current Board Members 2024

Marie Denny
Vice President: Tawnya Myers
Secretary: Julie Olley
Treasurer:  Ashley Sievers
Auction Coordinators: Kammi Smith and Bill Sievers

Board Members:
Armin Vogt
Bre Holling
KayDee Gilkey
Patty Roll 
Sally Tee
Austin Sievers
Mary Beth Stirn
Aly Moles

District Representative:
Jerrad Jeske

Contact Information

Liberty Community Education Foundation
PO Box 82
Spangle, WA  99031

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