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Smarter Balanced Resources

Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) Resources


Smarter Balanced Assessment - SBAC Home Page with access to all the resources and latest information about the SBA.

  • Practice Test and Resources- Access grade-level-specific practice tests and/or training tests in SBAC ELA, SBAC Math, and WCAS (science--grades 5, 8 & 11 only).
  • SBAC Portal- Access all of the Field Test Resources, TIDE, and assessment support
  • Preliminary Assessment Blueprints- Take a look at the preliminary plans for the content in the assessment and how it will be assessed.

  • Smarter Content Explorer- Find item specifications that link claims and assessment targets to the content standards.

iPad Resources

AIRSecure Test App- Download this app onto the iPad to run the practice assessment.

Guided AccessThe Smarter Balanced Assessment will only run on the iPad in Guided Access. This accessibility setting on the iPad locks the user in the selected app. Watch this video to learn about how to use Guided Access.


Common Core State Standards (CCSS) & Technology

ELA CCSS & Technology Crosswalk- Assessments, lessons, and tools for meeting the technology imbedded in the ELA CCSS

OER Commons- Network for educators to share open source instructional materials


Performance Task Resources

Achieve the Core- Common Core Aligned Lessons and Resources

Engage NY- Common Core Open Education resources for instruction and assessment


SBAC Item/Task Specifications

SBAC Item/Task Specifications- Provides guidance on how to translate the SBAC Content Specifications into actual assessment items